Bro William Corn Crowe

Bro William Corn Crowe was a Freemason and member of Lodge Temperance 2557.
At the Lodge Temperance meeting held on 17th February 1902 at the Central Masonic Hall, Pilgrim Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne Bro William was proposed by WBro John Armstrong, Past Master, and seconded by Bro George Henry Slater as a fit and proper person to be made a Freemason.
He was a 43 year old draper residing at 65, Dilston Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne. A successful ballot was held on 17th March 1902 and he was initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Ancient Freemasonry the following month on 21st April. He was passed to the second or Fellowcraft degree on 20th May 1902 and raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on 19th June 1902.
He was a founding member and first Junior Warden of Lodge Prudence 3424 which was consecrated on 30th March 1910 and founding member and first assistant director of ceremonies of Fortitude Lodge no 4017 consecrated on 13th January 1920 at the Masonic Hall, 4, Edwin Street, Shields Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne.